We help you to record, preserve and organize your memories with total clarity

Our experiences are the spark that make us who we are

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How It Works

Our app uses advance natural lenguaje processing to help users capture and preserve their memories, enhancing their cognitive abilities in the process.


Perfect Memory Preservation

Capture, preserve and organize your memories with perfect clarity, ensuring you never forget the precious moments of your life


Personalized AI Companion

Our friendly AI companion helps you organize and recall your memories in a completely non-judgmental and supportive environment, allowing you to be your authentic self.


Future Integration

In the near future, Evolution Go will allow you to integrate your memories with advanced technologies like brain-machine interfaces and VR headsets.

Unlimited Possibilities

Our Vision for the Future

Memories are the stories who make us who we are: they shape our understanding of the world; our values, relationships and identity. If you store your memories, you store your identity.

Easy Search

AI will organize your memories effortlessly by categorizing them into people you meet, places you go, feelings, and more.

Be Yourself

Our AI companion is judgment-free and helps you delve deeper into your memories.

Remember More

Enrich your memories with other users' experiences. AI recommends public photos of the places you've been.


Collect Personal Info

Keep all your personal information in one place. AI can scrape and catalog your public information from social media.

Share your memories

Add your valuable experiences to the world by sharing your memories with the community.

Brain-Computer Interface

We will be utilizing cutting-edge technology to help you access and relive your memories in new and exciting ways.


Frequently Asked Questions

Evolution Go is an innovative platform that helps you preserve and organize your personal memories with crystal-clear clarity for revisiting anytime. It features cutting-edge brain-computer interface technology that unlocks the full potential of memory preservation.

Our AI friend and coach automatically organizes and tags memories for you. You can categorize memories by people you meet, places you go, thoughts and feelings, photos, videos, and more.

Yes, your personal story will always be respected and safeguarded. The app offers complete privacy and security guarantees to ensure that your personal stories are protected at all times.

The AI friend and coach is a judgment-free companion that helps you delve deeper into your memories. It offers personalized recommendations based on your interests and activities, and can help you enrich your memories with other users' experiences.

The Team Behind EvolutionGo

Your memories are what make you who you are, and with our app, you'll never have to worry about forgetting them. Instead, you can revisit them whenever you want, reliving the joy and excitement of those special moments. It's a simple and practical way to stay connected to your past and appreciate the present.


Francisco Salas




Victor Vilches

Product Designer

UX/UI specialist

Unlock the Infinite Potential of Your Mind:

Are you tired of struggling to remember those special moments that make life worth living? Our amazing app is here to help. Using advanced natural language processing technology, it makes it easy to capture and preserve your memories with perfect clarity. Just imagine being able to recall any moment from your past with ease - your first kiss, your wedding day, your child's first steps. With our app, you can. And the best part? You can keep your memories totally private, without worrying about what others might think. But the benefits don't stop there.

Amazing Features

We help you to record, preserve and organize your memories.

Personal Reflection

Take a moment to reflect on your day-to-day experiences and record your thoughts to gain inside.

Family and Friends

AI stores and remember everything related with them.

Future Planning

Stay focused and motivated by not only remember the past, but plan for the future.

Talk about everything

Interests, funny stories, dreams, difficulties, travel memories,

Mood and energy

Monitor your mood and energy levels over time to gain insights into your overall well-being and use this information to optimize your daily routine.

Creative projects

Use this section to record your ideas, sketches, and notes for creative projects such as writing, art, music, and more


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Founder - Francisco Salas

Driving Positive Change in Healthtech:

As someone who has always been passionate about the intersection of psychology and technology, Francisco bring a unique perspective to his work as an Executive Director. He hold a Master's degree in Psychology and Organizational Development, and have over 10 years of experience in startup leadership, including founding a successful real estate enterprise called Infinity.

Over the course of his career, he have had the opportunity to work with a diverse range of industries, from finance and technology to healthcare. Through these experiences, he has learned the value of building strong teams and fostering a collaborative environment in order to achieve success.

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"Ready to unlock the full potential of your mind and preserve your priceless memories? Download Evolution Go now and start organizing, enriching, and reliving your personal stories like never before"



Based on AI technology

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Store everything


Over 1000 different tags

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How to find us

Las Condes, Santiago de Chile


+569 5917 55 19